We are Professional
Painting Experts

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About Company

Professional Services

We use the right tools for each project and our team uses the appropriate measures to avoid any accident, taking care of your project and our workers are something very important.

Do you need a kitchen, bathroom renovation, or something else to renovate your home, House Painting Plus has an experienced team and you can confidently leave everything in our hands. just a call and we will arrive to give you a quote. 30 years of experience providing the service has given us the best references that are our clients and they can verify that our services are of the best quality.


Years In Business

We Cover Atlanta

and its surroundings


Trained Staff



Our Services

We Provide Superior Performance

Interior Painting

When we talk about an interior painting job, we do not lack any detail, we protect each area to avoid stains due to drops on your floors or furniture and thus give you the best quality in each job.

Exterior Painting

The exterior of the houses is the first impression that you give in how to give the reflection of your personality and it is there where House Painting Plus comes into action giving life to your personality in the exterior painting of your house.

Siding Painting

When we want to give you a new aspect to our house we can think of many ideas and one of them is to put a new siding. When you decide to repair or replace the siding of your home.

Additional Services

We Also Offer

Our team of professionals does their best to always exceed customer expectations and give you something spectacular that you won't find anywhere else. House Painting Plus is the company you need for the solution you are looking for for your home, we are committed to being ready to solve your needs contact us.

Why Choose Us

Six Reasons For People Choosing Us

30 Years with you

house painting plus a company with 30 years of experience providing our services in Atlanta, GA,


experience in residential and commercial work, our focus began by providing the painting

Trained Workers

now we are proud to be able to provide more, such as remodeling, floors, siding, deck builder and more.

Monday - Friday

8am - 6pm

Quick Response

But if you need a contractor now, do not hesitate and leave everything in our hands, call now for more information.


leave it in our hands and we will take care of giving your house a spectacular new style

People Say The Nicest Things

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Head Office

be it remodeling your kitchen or bathroom or another place in your home. call us to give you a free estimate. properly preparing the area where we will work and avoiding paint stains, in the same way, using the right paint. so that everything is perfect.

Decatur, GA 30032

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